Birth Package

Prenatal Visits

Two 1.5 hour prenatal visits in person or virtual. During these meetings we will become acquainted, discuss your priorities, any fears or concerns, best ways to cope with pain and fatigue, and how you want your partner to support you. We will practice labor techniques, birth affirmations and complete a birth plan. I have spent extensive time learning and researching, and I continue to keep learning so that I can provide you with the best evidence-based information.

Phone & Email Support

I am available at anytime via phone, text or email for questions, concerns, or you just need additional support.

Labor Support

I will be on call from the 37th week of your pregnancy and on. I will join you in labor when you are ready for me to come, preferably at home before going to your birth location. I will stay throughout your labor and birth. During labor I will bring tools, such as essential oils, massage roller, rebozs and more items in order to help support your labor the best way I can. I will also stay for 1-2 hours after birth to offer any breastfeeding and other support.


One 1-2 hour postpartum visit either in person or virtually will be done once you are settled in (normally 7-10 days after birth). During this follow-up we will go over your birth story, emotional check in, newborn care questions, and any additional care that you may need.

Birth Package Investment: $1600

Doula Services require a 50% non-refundable deposit upon the signing of the contract. The other 50% is due at the 37th week meeting.


Prenatal Referrals

If you need any referrals to any professionals in your community, feel free to reach out as I have a list of trusted professionals I can refer to help you.

*I believe that every person has the right to access affordable birth support and education. If my prices are out of your budget, please let me know. I do offer payment plans that can be catered to your needs, as well as sliding scale pricing.

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